Tag Archives: bubbles

Bath time and bubbles Pop! Pop! Pop!

I started my storytimes this week with a simple little counting poem about bubbles.

Five Little Bubbles

Five little bubbles
Floating to the floor
One bubble popped (clap hands)
And then there were four.

Four little bubbles
Round as can be
One bubble popped (clap hands)
And then there were three.

Three little bubbles
Flying towards you
One bubble popped (clap hands)
And then there were two.

Two little bubbles
Having so much fun
One bubble popped (clap hands)
And then there was one.

One little bubble
Round as the sun
One bubble popped (clap hands)
And then there were none.

–shared by Jodi on perpetualpreschoo.com

One of the books I shared this week with my older crowd, was the story Big Red Tub by Julia Jarman.  This story has a ton of felt pieces (especially if you make several flamingos) so I had the kids each come up and choose an animal then sit down and wait for their animal to show up in the story, at which point they would bring it up and put it in the tub (or above, around, hopefully somewhere on the felt board).  They really enjoyed the story and it all went really smoothly.

I laminated photo copies of the two children and hot glued them to the back of the tub, all the other details are made with fabric paint.  I also have about 5 more flamingos but didn’t include them in the photo.  In the story they fly the tub back home after a fun adventure.