Tag Archives: art class

Lexi’s first art class (and my new CT position)

To begin with, I am excited to announce that I am on the Creative Team for Shel Belle Scraps.  This means that I will be receiving her newest scrapbooking kits, before they are available to the public so that I can make a couple pages to inspire others to try her kits themselves.  I’m really excited to be on her team and am looking forward to working with more of her beautiful kits.  You can find all of her available kits at the Stuff to Scrap store.

The first kit I worked with as a member of her Creative Team is called “Baked with Love.”  As you can probably guess it’s great to use with baking themed pages but is also versatile enough to use for anything you would like to scrap.  Images are linked to her store.

The two pages I made with Shel Belle’s kit “Baked with Love”:

The first page is Fiona (yes, she looks just like Lexi!) several years ago at our old house. In fact in these photos she is just a couple months older than Lex is right  now.  This was the first year she really got into making and decorating cookies.  She had such a great time and obviously enjoyed eating her cookie at the end.  I’ve been working on back scrapping to get pages made from before I started scrapbooking.

The second page features photos I took this weekend.  While Fi was in her art class, I peaked in on the little kid class to see if the same teacher that Fi had was still there, Miss Kate.  She was such a great teacher and had so many fun projects, many of which we still have hanging up at home.  She saw me and Lexi peaking in and commented on how much Lex looked like Fi.  Lexi is just a little younger now than Fi was when she started art classes at the museum.  Miss Kate invited us in to make a leaf with the rest of the class for the last couple minutes before class was over.  Lex was so excited and walked right in and sat down with Miss Kate to work on her leaf.  She helped to roll the paint onto the print and then rub the paper over the inked leaf.  Miss Kate then gave her oil pastels to color it with.  I really can’t wait until Lexi can start art class.  She loved her little preview, also it will give us something to do while Fi is in class. It’s hard for Lex to hang out at the museum for an hour and a half without getting into some kind of mischief.