(about me)…

I wanted to begin blogging to share all of the many fun projects I do with my kids at home and also at the library where I work (plus everyone else is blogging so why shouldn’t I?).  I hope to feature some of the felt boards I am working on at the library, the many fun things we do at home, and assorted other projects I am working on.  Currently I am into digital scrapbooking.  So there will probably be plenty of that.

Fiona and Alexis in our magical backyard

I am a mom to two lovely girls.  Fiona is 6 and Alexis is 2.

Fiona loves dance and is so creative.  She’s definitely one of those “old soul” kids. Alexis is my wild child. Yet, somehow the two are fabulous together.

I am a part time children’s librarian who is finishing up her very last class (YAY!) towards a masters of library science.  Between working and classes I love spending time with the girls doing art projects, writing books, playing dolls, visiting cool places and museums, and exploring our neighborhood and backyard.  I’m looking forward to sharing all these experiences here with the hopes that others may discover fantastic new adventures to share with their families.  Plus, I’d love to hear feedback on some of your favorite kid activities.

5 responses to “(about me)…

  1. I enjoyed your castle birthday party ideas, So cute.

    Do you know how someone can get big cutout letters without owning a cricket cutter. I’ve seen the sticky pad type letters which are ok but would like other choices. My kids do 2 or 3 presentation boards each year for school.

  2. Here is my flannel friday! Hippity Hop!(part 1)

  3. Hi Meghan,
    Congratulations on making it to Round 5 of Designer Darling! Way to go! I know those congratulations probably belong elsewhere on your blog AND at STS, and I’ll leave them there, too. I wanted to say welcome to the club, the librarian club, that is! Two things we have in common: library science and digital scrapbooking. Crafts in general, too. I didn’t know you are a children’s librarian and almost through with your MLS. That is so exciting. Will you finish this semester? If so, I wish you God speed with all the final projects and exams.
    EvaMarie (aka mskinsey)

    • Thanks! I need to update my about me page, I actually finished my degree a year ago this past December! It’s so nice to be all done with school. That’s cool you are a librarian who is also into digital scrapbooking. I’ve actually begun teaching a digital scrapbooking class at the library where I work. It’s for adults, even though I work in the children’s section. It’s been a really popular class and the adults look forward to each class we have 🙂

  4. Cynthia Taleisnik

    Hello! I would love to start a camp here. Your ideas are wonderful. I am shooting for winter break so I have some time. Would you be willing to to talk to me about some of the logistics?
    Thank you,

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